Money Back Guarantee Policy

We at Artziii are committed to providing you with an exceptional experience and stand by the quality of our services. If you find yourself unsatisfied with your Artziii subscription, we offer a Money Back Guarantee subject to the following limitations and requirements:

1.) Refund Request Period: You must submit your refund request within 30 days of your initial subscription purchase.

2.) Usage Limitation: In the event of a refund, you are not permitted to use any artistic content generated through Artziii. This includes, but is not limited to, any images, designs, or other creative outputs.

3.) Publication Restriction: You agree not to publish, distribute, or use in any form, for commercial or personal purposes, any content created using Artziii in the case of a refund.

4.) Unpublishing Requirement: If a refund is processed, you are obligated to promptly unpublish any content created using Artziii from all platforms where it has been made publicly accessible.

5.) Communication: You must communicate directly with our support team to initiate the refund process. This involves detailing the reasons for your dissatisfaction and providing relevant information.

Please note that this policy is in place to ensure the fair use of our services and to protect the proprietary nature of the artistic content generated through Artziii.