DMCA Policy

Our DMCA Policy outlines our process for handling copyright infringement claims. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a US law that provides a process for copyright owners to request the removal of infringing material from websites. Our policy follows the DMCA process and ensures that copyright owners can easily submit a takedown notice to us.

If you believe that your copyrighted material has been posted on Artziii without your permission, you can submit a DMCA takedown notice to us. The notice must include specific information, such as the location of the infringing material and your contact information. Once we receive the notice, we will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, such as removing the infringing material.

We take copyright infringement seriously and will not tolerate infringing material on our platform. However, we also recognize the importance of free speech and the fair use of copyrighted material. We will carefully evaluate each takedown notice to ensure that it is valid and complies with the DMCA requirements.

Overall, our DMCA Policy ensures that copyright owners can easily submit takedown notices to us, and that we will promptly investigate and take appropriate action to remove infringing material.